Analysis Courses

Please note that I am currently offering any of my Face to Face Courses as an online course, delivered through Microsoft Teams (or similar tool of your choice).  The content will remain the same, although the way the material is presented, and how activities are completed, may change.

Data Visualization



This session will teach participants a number of ways to effectively visualise their data, using a number of different tools and techniques. Using Excel and PowerPoint will be the basis of this training course, but the use of other software will also be discussed in depth through the training. The participants will learn how to incorporate statistics, design and aesthetics of both the data and the final visualisation. This training course starts with the basic graphs and charts and evolves through dashboards, Infographics and multimedia presentations. The true power of visual presentation of the data will be explored through the examples from different industries, from production, through marketing to graphic design and multimedia.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Data Visualization

Statistics and  Data Insight



This session differs from other statistics courses on offer as it has few exercise, and is instead content rich.  Consequently a lot of content is covered in a relatively short time.  A research paper will be sent out before the sessions that participant will be asked to read and attempt to interpret the study results.  The morning and afternoon sessions will not only introduce participants to data and statistical concepts but will enable them to interpret the results of the paper and draw meaningful conclusions.  The morning session will introduce participants to data and how it is commonly used / misused.  We will look at how data is measured, and how it can be summarised.  We will look at how data is distributed and why this is important to understanding statistical testing.  Data presentation methods will also be looked at, describing the correct way of presenting different types of data. Finally the two key study designs will be introduced. The afternoon session will introduce the most common statistical tests related to the study designs and data types we have discussed.  We will discuss how the role of chance affects results and how to interpret them. We will then look at other ways to present and interpret data, including stratification and standardisation of data, time series data and correlation of variables.  Lastly we will revisit the results tables from our research paper and use what we have learned to interpret the results.  



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Statistics and Data Insight

An Introduction to Descriptive Statistics



Starting from first principles, we will discuss basic methods for summarising data. The session aims to introduce the concepts of central tendency and dispersion in a participative manner, enabling students to calculate such summary statistics themselves. The normal distribution will be introduced, alongside concepts such as skewness and kurtosis. Methods of presenting data will also be introduced, with students gaining insight into the appropriateness(or not) of each technique.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Introduction to Descriptive Statistics

An Introduction to Inferential Statistics



Building on the previous introduction to descriptive statistics sessions, participants will be introduced to more detailed statistical methods, and the concepts behind them. Sampling issues will be addressed, in particular how they relate to the underlying population. Students will be given the opportunity to explore these relationships and develop a more detailed understanding of statistical confidence.  Statistical hypotheses will be discussed, including here relationship to one-tailed and two-tailed statistical tests. Finally, correlations will be discussed alongside the principles of association and causation. Real data will be used to demonstrate the role of confounding within such associations.  



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Introduction to Inferential Statistics

Analysing Data: Statistical tests for 2 groups



This session builds on the theory introduced in the previous statistics sessions and attempts to set this in a practical context. In particular, through group work and participative learning, we aim to demonstrate how the choice of analysis links both to the underlying question, via statistical hypotheses, and choice of presentation. The session will highlight some of the common pitfalls and errors made in data analysis, and how data can be manipulated to give misleading conclusions.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Analysing Data : Statistical tests for 2 groups

Key Statistical Concepts 1 (1 Day)



This session will discuss some of the key statistical concepts associated with descriptive and inferential statistics.  It will start from first principles and explore the different types of data that we collect, and how we can describe it usefully for ourselves and others.  It will explore how we can use our data to infer things about larger populations and explore the variability in our own data. Concepts of statistical confidence and certainty will be described.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Key Statistical Concepts 1

Key Statistical Concepts 2 (1 Day)



This session will build on the principles discussed in Key Statistical Concepts 1.  Statistical testing will be discussed, and the concept of independent samples and repeated measures will be discussed.  The importance of the statistical hypothesis will be emphasised, and how it relates to one tailed and two tailed significance.    



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Key Statistical Concepts 2

Statistical Principles in Data Analysis (2 Days)



This two day course is designed to give participants an overview of basic statistics and analysis of data that is most commonly used within research practices and other areas of health care; focusing primarily on key elements of quantitative data analysis. This workshop is aimed at those currently doing research, intending to do research or those with research interests and therefore assumes participants will be familiar with some research and statistical terminology. 



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Statistical Principles in Data Analysis

An Introduction to Statistical Process Control



This session will introduce participants to the concepts of statistical process control, what it is and when it can be used effectively.  In particular, participants will have the opportunity to bring their own data and produce simple process control charts from first principles.



PLEASE NOTE: This session will be based around count data that the client has brought with them  

John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - An Introduction to Statistical Process Control

Statistical Process Control and Capability 



This session will introduce participants to the concepts of statistical process control, what it is and when it can be used effectively. It will look at the different types of control chart available, and when each of these might be suitable. It will also look at the capability of in control processes, and the relationship to six sigma approaches. Participants will have the opportunity to bring their own data and produce simple xmR process control charts from first principles.  




PLEASE NOTE: This session will be based around count data that the client has brought with them  

John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Statistical Process Control and Capability

Regression Methods and Models (1 Day)



This session will enable participants to understand the principles behind linear and logistic regression.  The different methods will be discussed as well as data limitations.  Practical examples of how regression models can be applied will be used, and the potentil for using regression techniques as predictive models will be explored. 



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Regression Methods and Models

An Introduction to Time Series



This session will look at how we deal with time related data, and the different types of variation within it. Different methods will be discussed to identify and smooth out the affects of variation, with a view to being able to use data to predict future activity. A particular focus on practical application and the use of MS Excel will be explored, with the main emphasis on ETS models.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - An Introduction to Time Series

Time Series and Forecasting (1 Day)



This session will look at how we deal with time related data, and the different types of variation within it.  Different methods will be discussed to identify and smooth out the affects of variation, with a view to being able to use data to predict future activity.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Time Series and Forecasting

An Introduction to Epidemiological Methods



In this session participants will be introduced to epidemiological methods and their application.  In addition to learning some simple epidemiological techniques, participants will be able to discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses of different data collection mechanisms and their associated analysis. 



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - An Introduction to Epidemiological Methods

Epidemiological / Population Methods



In this session participants will be introduced to epidemiological  and population methods and their application.  The session not only covers the most common epidemiological analysis, but details the different types of epidemiological studies alongside their strengths and weaknesses. Common issues with epidemiological studies will be discussed as well as techniques for overcoming these including stratification and standardisation methods. In addition to learning epidemiological techniques to understand how exposure and disease are associated, participants will be able to perform sample size and power calculations.  Finally the issue of pro-active screening for diseases will be discussed and concepts such as sensitivity and specificity will be introduced as well as methods to calculate and maximise them, including the use of ROC curves 


John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Epidemiological / Population Methods

Indicator Development



This session will look at the current state of indicator production within the system, and the related problems of having poorly defined, duplicate indicators.  The session will enable participants to understand the role that indicators play and the importance of them being constructed properly and in a transparent manner.  The key principles of good indicator development will be discussed, and related techniques for adjusting indicators will be explored.  By the end of the session participants will not only know what makes a well constructed indicator but they will have the knowledge to access help that is available 



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Indicator Development

Data Insight and Communication Fundamentals 



This session is delivered via the Consortium for Health Analytics Intelligence (CHAIn)..  It is delivered in a more informal setting than other sessions, allowing participants to ask questions and flex the content to their own needs.  It is a particular useful session who find understanding the requirements of their management teams difficult, or where there seems to be a mismatch in communication.  Through examples, exercise and the trainers’ own experiences the issues will be highlighted and practical solutions discussed in how to bridge the communication gap – ensuring that the right questions are being both asked and answered.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Data Insight and Communication Fundamentals

Making Your Data Accessible & Understandable to Others



This session is delivered via the Consortium for Health Analytics Intelligence (CHAIn)  provides a structured overview of key principles in data presentation. The session covers context in data communication, the difference between exploratory and explanatory analysis, the fundamentals of data storytelling, and core visualisation principles.

This session provides a high-level introduction to these concepts but does not include practical exercises or case studies. For those requiring hands-on application, the two-day course "Presenting Your Data to Multi-Professional Groups" offers more in-depth exploration and practice.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Making Your Data accessible & Understandable to Others

Presenting Data to Multi-Professional Groups



This session is delivered via the Consortium for Health Analytics Intelligence (CHAIn).  It is delivered in a more informal setting than other sessions, allowing participants to ask questions and flex the content to their own needs.  The session goes from first principles and while it is applicable to all types of presentations it mainly focusses on a physical presentation in front of a physical audience.   There will be ample time to explore new concepts, and start to think about data presentation as a story with clear narrative arcs.  There will also be a lot of opportunity for group work, and putting your own data into a form which will help you to get your message across to those that need to hear it.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Presenting Data to Multi-Professional Groups

Data Storytelling - Demystified



This session is delivered via the Consortium for Health Analytics Intelligence (CHAIn).  It is similar to the session Presenting Data to Multi-Professional Groups but is delivered over one day instead of two.  It is also written for a generic audience rather than those solely from Health.  The session goes from first principles and while it is applicable to all types of presentations it mainly focusses on a physical presentation in front of a physical audience.   There will be ample time to explore new concepts, and start to think about data presentation as a story with clear narrative arcs.  There will also be a lot of opportunity for group work, and putting your own data into a form which will help you to get your message across to those that need to hear it.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Data Storytelling Demystified

Principles of Analysis: Descriptive and inferential Statistics



This session gives a high level overview of analytical methods.  Unlike other sessions there is no group activity for participants.  Instead the session is delivered in a discursive manner, and aims to give a taster of some of the more detailed sessions on offer.



John Varlow | Training and Consultancy - Principles of Analysis: Descriptive and inferential Statistics