
Anonymous Course Feedback

If you have received training from me, please send in your comments using the feedback form and I  will ensure they are included on this page (positive or negative). Please indicate whether you are happy to be identified in the feedback. Please be aware that participants are explicitly asked what could be done better by me within their feedback for all my courses.

Presenting Data to Multi-Disciplinary Groups

10th and 12th January 2023

Key Learning Points

The most beneficial aspect of the event

Other Comments

Introduction to Statistics

17th May, 21st May 2021

Introduction to Forecasting

19th April, 23rd April 2021

Statistical Process Control

15th April 2021

Introduction to Forecasting

9th April, 13th April 2021

Statistical Process Control

6th April 2021

Introduction to Forecasting

22nd March, 29th March 2021

Introduction to Forecasting

19th March, 25th March 2021

Statistical Process Control

15th March 2021

Introduction to Statistics

8th March, 12th March 2021

Introduction to Statistics

1st March, 5th March 2021

Data Insight fundamentals and Development in Communication (Delivered as CHAIn)

19th Jan 2021 (8 hours online)

Understanding Key Statistical Concepts (Split into 5 online sessions) 

16th November, 18th November, 20th November, 23rd November, 25th November 2020

Statistical Process Control

12th November 2020

Statistics and Data Insight (Condensed into 4 hours)

5th November 2020

Introduction to Forecasting (Split into 4 online sessions)

3rd September, 7th September, 10th September, 14th September 2020

What could be better:

The virtual sessions worked well and there was the opportunity to ask questions where necessary but general spontaneous interaction with colleagues will always be missing.

The examples were good except there was limited opportunity to ask for ‘real time’ guidance or compare notes whilst attempting the more complex calculations during a session. I had to have another go afterwards to make sure I had understood them correctly.

It was a bit difficult at times deciding when to talk with so many on the call, particularly when John asked a question.  I put my hand up initially but this was ignored as he probably didn’t realise.  A couple of times people talked over each other, and quite a few times nobody talked for a while when John asked a question.  That would probably have happened face to face though to an extent. However, I thought the course went really well using MS Teams.

The main thing is out of your control, which is to do in a classroom.  Personally, I find the online learning environment not conducive to learning.

Nothing really to add here, appreciate the difficulties of delivering this training over Teams which I think he dealt with quite well.

The format didn’t work for me. I believe if we’d had one full day session I’d have had a much easier time of it. This isn’t a criticism of the course itself, local pressures that were occurring at the time of the course meant I just didn’t have the opportunity to give the final 2 sessions the attention required when it was at its most complex (this is also why I’ve not rated sessions 3 and 4). I will be reviewing the course videos in the upcoming weeks as capacity improves


The technology worked very well with only minor hitches.

John didn’t initially realise – until he was told – that when he shared his screen, only the Excel was shared and not Excel’s solver / data analysis pop-up windows.  Once he was told, he then realised he had to share his entire screen for us to see these windows.  So it was easily solved.

Key Statistical Concepts (Split into 5 online sessions) 

17th August, 19th August, 21st August, 24th August, 26th August 2020

Statistics and Data Insight (Split into 5 online sessions) 

13th May, 20th May, 3rd June, 10th June,  17th June 2020

This session was the first to be delivered online due to COVID - as such comments are limited and focussed on the difference between online and face to face sessions that have been delivered previously.

Introduction to Statistics

10th February 2020

Introduction to Statistics

3rd February 2020

Presenter was clear and advocated caution when drawing conclusions

Epidemiological / Population Methods

12th December 2019

Regression Methods and Models

14th November 2019

Statistical Principles and Analysis of Data

4th November, 7th November 2019

Understanding Statistics and Data Insight 

24th October 2019

Indicator Development

14th October 2019

Introduction to Forecasting

11th October 2019

Key Statistical Concepts 2 

18th September 2019

Time Series and Forecasting Methods

15th August 2019

Time Series and Forecasting Methods 

5th August 2019

Key Statistical Concepts 1

22nd July 2019

Understanding Statistics and Data Insight

18th July 2019

Key Statistical Concepts 2

11th July 2019

Time Series and Forecasting Methods

13th June 2019

Statistical Principles and Analysis of Data

8th May, 9th May 2019

Key Statistical Concepts 1

11th April 2019

Key Statistical Concepts 1

22nd March 2019

Critical Appraisal Skills - 5th March 2019

Developing Research Proposals -  5th February 2019

Introduction to Research in Health Care - Autumn 2018

Principles of Descriptive and Inferential Statistics - March 2017